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Transform Your

Climate for Learning

Education X works collaboratively with leaders at all levels within your school to revolutionise behaviour, relationships and attitudes to learning.


We provide high impact behaviour related training and guide your team through a holistic, step-by-step strategy which has continually proven to transform disruption and defiance into engagement, enthusiasm and excellence.

group of high school students studying i


Positive Behavioural Influence Training (PBI)

Equip your staff with the empowering mindset and practices required to lead their classes effectively and maintain warm, productive and respectful relationships whilst firmly upholding your school’s high standards and expectations.

Teenage Student Working In Classroom Wit

Climate for Learning Transformation Consultancy

Form a strategic partnership with an Education X consultant who will support your leadership through a complete 'Climate for Learning Transformation Plan' and provide all necessary, training, monitoring, resources and feedback along the way.


Raised hands in class of middle school..

Christine Woods, Principal

Ross from Education X has been instrumental in our Academy’s transformation. Students’ attitudes regarding their educational experience revolutionised and staff blossomed in the classroom. We were truly privileged to have him with us on a particularly difficult journey.

Raising Hands

Michelle Strong, Principal

Working with Education X has enabled us to develop consistency across all classrooms and year teams. We now have clear systems and structures in place, which support both staff and pupils. I cannot recommend Education X highly enough and thank them for their contribution on our journey from 'serious weaknesses' to 'good'.

Girls in School Uniform

Sam Griffin, Principal

His skills are immense; he understands young people and how to get the best from them, his manner with staff is clear, professional and inclusive. The continued success of this work after Ross’ time with us is a testament to his skill and the impact he can have.

Typing on a Computer



“The behaviour of students requires improvement. The number of pupils removed from lessons is unacceptably high, and reflects the reality that pupils’ attitudes to learning and their behaviour in lessons are not nearly good enough. Leaders have not established a suitable climate for learning in classrooms.”


"Inspectors have seen significant improvements in pupils’ attitudes and behaviour over the last 18 months. Pupils are motivated to do well, show pride in their work and are more determined to succeed. Pupils more readily express their views and seek help when they do not understand. The climate for learning is positive across the school."


We'd love to hear from you

Contact - Ross Ritchie, Lead Behaviour Consultant 

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